Your Personal Design Profile

Price: $1,000

What is it?
Also known as a Color Reading, a Personal Design Profile gives you an in-depth analysis of your total personality.

Human Art: The Original Personality Test is the only personality test which will never ask you to fill out a questionnaire or inventory to determine your personality profile.  Existing personality tests are useful and can be meaningful to many but any personality test which relies on self-report quizzes and questionnaires can be skewed and distorted based on how the respondent interprets the question or wants to be perceived.

The Original Personality Test is an objective, observable measure which uses the science of color, line, sound and movement to determine how your personality fits into existing harmonies in nature. For those of us, who have questioned, “Who am I?” or have experienced invalidation and confusion about your sense of self, The Original Personality Test answers many questions about how we are made and how we complement our surroundings. Harmonies exist in nature and they share the same colors, lines, sound and movement. If you relate to a particular harmony, your personality shares the same communication.

A color reading is the first step in the personality profile process and the most scientific part of determining your profile. Through measuring projecting and harmonizing scales, the frequency of the colors interact with the neurons in the nerve endings in the skin and either project and harmonize or appear flat against your face. No two profiles are the same and each participant leaves with an in-depth understanding of their personality and with a comprehensive plan to address personal and interpersonal dynamics.

Included in Your Personal Design Profile Service:

  • A full color reading that tells you exactly how much, in exact percentages, of each of the four harmonies you have in your personality.
  • Learn in what areas of your life the different harmonies may manifest themselves (for example, Saturated may be your dominant design, but when you are cleaning you may have more Whitened traits that come through).
  • One-on-one time with Brook and Rod to discuss and understand all aspects of your personality. Become more confident and happy with who you are as you learn how to use your best traits in all areas of life.
  • A workbook to take home and refer back to whenever you need a reminder of why you are a masterpiece!

Join us in Utah to have your personality profile assessment completed and explore opportunities to reconnect with your original self.

Contact Us to get started!