Human Art: The Original Personality Test Guest Speaker

Human Art presents at the 2008 Global
Hair Expo in Australia
Invite Brook Thornley, co-founder of Human Art: The Original Personality Test, to speak to your group or event for a short presentation all about The Original Personality Test. A 1-2 hour appearance will cover the main characteristics of the four harmonies of Human Art: The Original Personality Test and how you can start using that knowledge to improve yourself and your interactions with others right away! After hearing this inspirational message, you will never again apologize for who you are, and you will learn how to love others for how they are! This is a great starting place for someone who is new to Human Art. It's a great way to get to know it and learn about all it has to offer!
*Price: $3,000 flat fee (additional fees may be included if travel is required)
*Private presentations for small groups, or guest/keynote speaker at larger events is available
*Maximum length of 2 hours (if you would like to spend more time with Human Art: The Original Personality Test, click here to learn more about classes and workshops)
Contact us to find out more about how to get Human Art: The Original Personality Test to your event!